Akarana Bridge Club

Teams Group History

John Evitt

The teams group was initiated by Bruce Northey and John Evitt in January 1977, after an attempt was made to persuade the Auckland Bridge Club to set up regular teams competition. Those also present at the initial Steering committee meeting were Virgina Crawford, Jeremy Knight and Eileen Taylor.

Initially we played at the Auckland Bridge Club, with a requirement that players must be at least provincial masters or higher. The club was regarded as a loose subsidiary of the Auckland Club. The original subscription was $2.00 with table money $1.00.  Numbers were always reasonable from the start, with 12-16 tables in action on the Wednesday  night. This night was originally chosen because many of the members were also playing on Tuesday and Thursday at Auckland. The 1978 committee comprised of Kevin Rotherham, Mavis Carruthers, Lionel Wright, Mike Cornell, John Evitt and Nigel Hannay.

As usual there was a fallout with Auckland over money and also how the venue was to be used, especially in relation to having alcohol available. So in 1979 the club went to the Officers club courtesy largely of Peter Cricket who was a member. The problem of alcohol and lateness did not arise at the Officers Club, as many nights there would be a core of players still there at 4am!

The 1979 committee had the addition of Tony Taylor, Jan Cormack, Andrew Blair, Wyn Jones, Stan Abrahams and Rob Shaw. Due to the untimely death of Kevin Rotherham during May 1979 Rob Shaw took over as Convenor. During 1981 and 1982 additional committee members included Alan Taylor, Richard Solomon, Paula Bryant, Ira Garrison, Trevor Robb and Bill Humphery.

Because the standard of lighting in the Officers Club was pretty poor, a comprehensive agreement was made with the Auckland Bridge Club which resulted in a move back to the house in 1985 where we remain until 1990. We then moved to the Auckland Bowling Club. The club played there for a couple of years until the Bowling Club decided they would make extensions to the building, so the Club moved again. This time it was to Jan Cormack's club 'Trumps' in Parnell

As always seems to happen, an answer was found to any problems and the club went back to the Auckland Bridge Club, where they remain to this date. The committee position has always been flexible, and strangely (for bridge players) most members have offered their time at some stage or the other.

Because this club consistently produces members for the New Zealand team, written bidding, stop cards and later bidding boxes were introduced prior to them becoming mainstream